More and more of the classic Space Marines seem to be passing the "Rubicon Primaris" but I find myself eternally stuck in the closing months of 1998 and the release of Codex: Blood Angels.
Flags add movement and flair to wargames unit and here we take a deep dive into what we know about these in the late middle ages.
Here is a guide to the army Caesar fought with in Alexandria and how I built my own wargames equivalent.
Miniature photography for beginners
During my 25 years of painting toy soldiers Space Marines have been a constant.
This is not an Ikea joke but a way of making a cheap, fast and nice looking coulisse - or flat - for photos.
16 ”good men” were chosen to protect the rebellion's young leader.
Here’s how I made this diorama of two dueling samurais inside a glass jar for my fathers birthday.
When Gustav Vasa marched into Stockholm in 1523 he had just turned 27 years old - how did the king look as a young man?
Armed with Perry miniatures medievals, some sculpting putty and all the crossbows I could get my hands on I started cutting and gluing.
The Ptolemaic army was only a shadow of its former self in 47 BC but still proved to be a match for Caesars legions in Alexandria.
This is the beginning of a project to build both peasant musters and royal forces for the conflicts of late medieval Sweden.
An easy way to touch up these mdf-buildings from Sarissa Precision’s “Streets of Rome” range.
The Siege of Alexandria isn’t Caesar’s most famous battle but it was exciting, diverse and probably one of his hardest fights.
This is a quick guide on how I made two versatile houses to use as scenery in photos.
Though small in number, Sweden's 16th-century urban population contributed significantly to military conflicts through their superior equipment. Let’s see how city-dwelling burghers transformed from merchants to warriors and how I recreated these historic troops as miniature figures.